Tuesday, February 25, 2014

February 11, 2014

1. Waste List check list (as handed out at the meeting). 2. Volunteer target: 20 adults, over the age of 18, minors will not be allowed to volunteer 3. Volunteer Orientation: a meeting will be held the week before the event, on June 14, 2014, at the township hall, 10 am 4. Security - Brian will check into the cost of a contract with Sheriff department for an officer assigned to the site 5.Waste Acceptance list on line. Mikus will provide a list from DEQ. Most lists describe what not to accept. See this link: http://www.michigan.gov/documents/deq/deq-oppca-bannedlandfillmaterials_286106_7.pdf 6. Mikus will check on the schedule of special/hazardous waste days schedule by the County. 7. Question came up of how many deposit containers may be in trash. The answer is: More than a de minimis amount of open, empty, or otherwise used beverage containers as defined in the Initiated Law of 1976, as amended (Deposit Law) is prohibited.(https://www.michigan.gov/deq/0,4561,7-135-3312_4123-96663--,00.html) 8. Brian will double check the calendar of events for conflicts on our date. 9. Mailing list for our event will include rental inspection list, and recycle route list. The number of units may be 2,529, plus apartment. KCI may be the mailing service contractor.

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