Thursday, September 17, 2009

Peter Sinclair Event

The Peter Sinclair event on Global Warming Issues has been schedualed for some time now.  It will be held on Thursday October 8, at 7 pm and will be held at the Union Township Hall.  Rather than elborate here please visit the townships web site and see the Union Township News section


Wednesday, September 9, 2009

September 8, 2009 Meeting Minutes

Meeting called to order at 8:04 am by chair Mikus. In attendance were P Mikus, D Burdett, B Wagner, C Colling, M Piatek-Jimenez, S Wade-Ellis, T Rorher, W Woodruff.
Agenda Items were Rain Barrels, Walkable-Bikable ordinance update, Curbside Recycling, US 127 Landscaping Project, Peter Sinclair Event

Peter Sinclair Event is confirmed for October 8, 7 pm at the township hall. Committee members Burdett and Wagner volunteered to steer the event along with Woodruff. Sinclair is an environmentalist presenting global warming issues. Woodruff stated that no township funds will be expended for this educational event and will seek public announcements in local paper. We have a a PR package from Mr Sinclair. Wagner will get an ad or piece in CM Life. Rorher will announce the event in his classes. The hall will seat 50-75 persons, a past event on campus drew about 50 students we hope to fill the house and not turn any away.

Curbside Recycling in the township is scheduled to begin on October 1. Containers will be distributed by the MRF with instructions. Bins are 100% recycled material and will be black. There has been a problem with implementation in trailer parks as they are not taxed in the same fashion as one and two family residences. The Public Works Committee is still looking at viable ways to bring service to these residents. One suggestion has been to set up a dumpster style bin that would be rotated between the parks.

Phil Mikus has been discussing rain barrels with the county and offering these at a discounted price from quantity purchasing. Rain barrels are making an impact on water usage and also saves electric usage for rural users by reducing pumping water. Rain water is also better for gardens. Acid Rain is not a problem in this locality. Barrels have a screen top and tap at the bottom to gravity feed a soaker hose or drip emitter.

Woodruff updated the committee on the US 127 Landscaping Plan. The last draft has been provided to the city and the township for final review. The plan calls for primarily native plants that will have low maintenance. The areas are from Summerton Road Overpass to Baseline Road Overpass. Also included are areas along Business 127 coming into the south end as well as the north entrance to the community. Vision 20/20 was instrumental in bringing Mt Pleasant, Union Township and CMU together to draft a plan that could be filled in over time. CMU athletics will provide "sweat equity" Vision 20/20 will seek monetary contributions for the plant material and associated soils and mulch. MDOT will also seek enhancement grants for the project. The results will greatly benefit the economic attraction to Mt Pleasant area. Plans are on the township web site under "Gallery."

Casey Collings of ROWE engineering has been working with the East DDA LED street lighting project. The DDA is replacing all the street lighting on East Pickard from the city limits to Summerton Road. The poles will be very similar to the city's with an ornate turn of the century look. The new lights will be energy efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The engineer expects about a $2,000 per month savings. The East DDA is to be commended for this cost saving and environmentally friendly investment.

Woody Woodruff, Secretary

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Community Survey Approved

On August 12th, the Charter Township of Union Board of Trustees unanimously approved an agreement with Central Michigan University for a community survey. The instrument will be designed by the Center for Rural Research and Studies (CARRS). The CARRS program offers the university's resources and expertise in a wide variety of topic to units of government and non-profits. Input to the survey will come from a broad spectrum of township sources in addition to the township board, including the planning commission, a yet to be named planning consultant working on the Master Plan, the Parks and Recreation Committee, and our Sustainability Committee. The project will also utilise students form the CMU Honors Program for interviewing, and data analysis.

Friday, August 7, 2009

Agenda Items for August 10, 7 am Sustainability Committee

· CARRS study update see
· Curbside Recycling Update
· Sponsor a Global Warming Event with John Sinclair.
· Open Discussion on topics of interest to members

Friday, July 24, 2009

Notes from Michigan Energy Office Seminar

Michigan Green Challenge with Michigan EECDBG grants. Visit MML site and Mich Energy Dept site by Thurs 7/29 for PP. Center for 21st century communities at MML site. MML has 8 assets, see green communities bullet. EECBG page here helps grant application, see webinars there too.

Green Communities challenge - overreaching / leveraging program, 6 step plan 1. Resolution of support, 2 Assign responsibilities, 3 collect data, 4 assess situation and ID gaps, 5 develop goals and activities, planning for future, attachment C, 6 Measures of performances. #1 is only requirement to be enrolled into MML and this will give more weight to state funds.

We need to perform well as a state to get more funding and take from those states that don’t measure up. See MML for sample resolution and submit Intention and Progress form back to MML

For responsible person see ICLEI link and join it. Local Energ Office information, a PP on responsibilities

Rebuild Michigan through DLEG to do energy audit.

Emily Simons, PSC. LIEE RENEWABLE SCHOOLS AND governments. list serv for granting sources. see for revolving fund loans. File for EO loans (Energy Optimization). Michigan Recovery and Reinvestment Plan
Jan Patrick Supervisor for Conservation Section, DLEG

Tim Schireman Grant prop development
Multipurpose (non entitlement apps only.) & LED grants
submit for either or both, as single or collaborative
Multiple Purpose
Develop or contract for strategy, res commercial energy audits, financial incentive programs
bldg retro fits, EE and conservation programs, EE transportation (inc bike paths, alt vehicles, training bldg officials, EE distribution technologies district heating and cooling, recycling, gas recapture, EE traffic sig and lighting, renewable energy technologies for govt bldgs,
Funding levels on population 9,500 = $70,000 for single, 14,000 $85,000 prorated, Counties 45-70,000 = $175K-$275k,subtract any entitled entities (maybe tribal) populations; multi-jurisdictional adds pops, while joint apps may not get more money, but will score higher in selections. Can partner with entitlement tribes, but not share funding. up to 10% for admin, 20% FOR REVOLVING FUND USE,

LED grants
Street lighting traffic signals, parking structures, indoor lighting, required component public information/education/demonstration. funding levels, 50-250k 90% of equipment 10% match plus all labor training and education costs (buy American rules) selection criteria demonstrate savings and cost effectiveness, job creation and retention, reduction of greenhouse gases, how strong is project, management (who) and implementation. shovel ready, leveraging other funding compiling data (energy audit and other formulas) MEDC has formula for employment, ICLEI program addresses GHGases, reporting to fed and state - FED qtrly jobs created retained, energy savings vs cost reduction (ROI) GHG reduction, funds leveraged. State reporting requires qtrly progress reports, work to be done next qtr real or anticipated problems, significant changes to project, (call grant manager immediately if anything goes south, re budget before problems), document grant expenses and leverage contributions all funds are reimbursable, final report summary of goals and objectives and conformance, summary of activities, benefits and impacts, state grants hold back 15% till final report approval.
submitting RFP in state defined format COMPLETE ORIGINAL signature propose and 3 copies mail or hand deliver RFP by Due Date and time, emailed PDFs not accepted
RFP release waiting on FED approval of state plans, and we are early hopefuls, late Aug, Multipurpose and LED grants will be released on same RFP, but submissions separately, RFP on energy office website. can only apply once either collaborate or single. Online FAQ for 2 weeks after release of RFP, 30 days after RFP, be prepared! 30 day review period after due date. announce 30-45 days after review period (around end of October)

NEPA and SHPO early
Tim Shireman 517 241 6281

Idea-LED lit bike paths, go to school to partner to get them funds not available otherwise, include purpose for collaboration in grant. document leverage dollars and use that word in the app

DOE web has 13 eligible activities see Solutions center

Webinar next tues.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 14, 2009

Meeting was called to order at 7:04 am. Present at the July meeting were Burdett, Chowdhary, Lyon, Mikus, Piatek-Jimenez, and Woodruff.

Mikus gave a status on the MRFs (Isabella Co. Materials Recycling Facility) recycling proposal to the township.
  • The Public Works committee has received the proposal from the MRF and is sending the residential component to the board for review. They have determined that we need a resolution from the county and the township to initiate curb-side recycling based on a per household charge.
  • The twp would bill an annual charge of $17 to residential households to be included on the tax bill for bi-weekly pickup.
  • Equipment cost is covered by the township and is a good 2% request item. Collaborative requests are more likely to be funded and the township can show a partnering with the county and a resolution of support from Vision 20/20 is a possibility, Burdett will check with Al Kaufmann, V20/20's governmental liaison. Mikus stated the MRF would consider a leasing of equipment to the township on a short term basis to hold us over until a truck is purchased.
  • Burdett announced that CMU has received recognition as "Recycler of the Year."
  • Mikus asserted that most constituents will save money on their trash bills by the reduction of recyclables in the refuse stream, especially for those who pay on a per bag basis.
  • Wagner stated that some of her neighbors have indicated they already recycle and felt they would be double charged. Mikus pointed out that some city's allow a reduction of the annual fee with a voucher system, and that the MRF would likely be open to that.
  • Composting was discussed, with the possibility of a joint effort that could also generate income through sales of finished compost. Composting would not be a part of the recycling pick-up program.
  • Encourage citizen participation and use of recycling by recognizing "neighborhood champions", student volunteering, competitions, and awards.

Woodruff gave an update on the bikeable walkable projects.

  • Planning commission is drafting sidewalk ordinance.
  • Township staff is working with MDOT for local and regional non-motorised projects and grant funding.

Other issues discussed

  • Dead animal pick up
  • Septic Field alternatives using vegetative filtering in heavy clay areas
  • Headwaters and Chippewa River protection from Ag and commercial runoff

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Recycling Services the County could provide Union Township

The collection cost per household would be $15 to $17 per year per household (including duplexes).
A collection truck will need to be procured by the County. The current truck and crew is operating full time providing services to six township, village and tribal communities.
The current recycling truck is used five days a week in six areas providing bi-weekly (every other week) service. The areas are: Rolland Twp, Deerfield Twp, Lincoln Twp, Village of Shepherd, Village of Lake Isabella, and Tribal area. Total homes approx 4100. That truck as was paid for with a 2% grant from the SCIT.
Union Township has approximately 2200 single family homes. A new truck would be used half time if used for bi-weekly pick up; more if multi family units were included.
The capital expense for a truck and curbside/roadside tubs is estimated to be $120,000 for the truck and $11,000 for approximately 2200 tubs., The expense for multi family EZ Recycler collection bins (to be placed near trash dumpsters) for apartment complexes.
The collection cost for apartments has not been determined.
Other financing options for truck purchase include, but may not be limited to:
1. Township millage
2. Township paying from the general fund balance
3. County purchase and roll the cost into the per HH price
4. Two percent request (many tribal members live in Union Township).
Premliminary discussions about funding have been held with Tribal Council representatives.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

5/12/09 Sustainability Task Force Minuets

5/12/09 Sustainability Task Force Minuets

Called to order at 7:09 am by chair Mikus.  Present were Mikus, Burdett, Lyon, Wagner, Wade-Ellis, Woodruff and guest Mary Senter of CMU’s CARRS (The Center for Applied Research and Rural Studies)

Mary Senter addressed the committee on what a professional survey is and what it can (and cannot) do.

Mailings are less expensive, but have a lower response rate, cannot be easily tailored to responder’s circumstances.  Phone surveys are more costly at about $30 per completed response.  Union Township already has commitments from Consumers Energy and Vision 20/20 for cost sharing, and CMU has offered a reduced cost as an in-kind Grant.

Phone Surveys utilize CATI (Computer Aided Telephone Interview) software.  This allows a question tree to be developed where initial questions help guide the interview and tailor set of specific questions.  This ensures a maximum of pertinent questions.  A typical interview is no longer than 15 minutes and can go through about 75 questions.    One problem with the phone survey today is the growing use of cell phones as peoples only phone.  Geographic data is not available as public information for cells.

The townships population needs about 400 random calls to obtain a plus/minus a reliability of 5%.   A good survey cannot make the tough decisions, but is vital to good decision making.   The public has demonstrated a desire to be engaged with local government, to comment and voice opinion,  and be connected as evidenced by recent developments such as Sound Off and newspaper comment blogs as well as other independent bloggers.  

CARRS will interview stakeholders and generate questions that solicit unbiased opinions.  Wording of a question can affect the response.  It was the task force’s consensus that all stakeholders be engaged as soon as possible.  Topics identified included policing, recycling, economic development and satisfaction.  Groups that were identified in addition to the sustainability task force were the township board, planning commission, DDAs, Parks and Recreation, and township staff.  It was also suggested that a survey population of the greater Mt Pleasant area beyond the township boarders would be beneficial and the CATI software can track where responders reside, compare opinions of residents and neighboring residents.  An example would be to survey opinions on intergovernmental cooperation, not only do we want to know if our residents want this, but is it welcomed from those around us?

Woody Woodruff, Secretary


Environmental Committee Notes

Greetings Green Team members,

With this note I will update everyone on recent discussions the Environment subcommittee of the Citizens Advisory Committee on Sustainability has had with Amy Shindorf, the Isabella County Resource Recovery Manager.

At the May 12, 2009 meeting, Amy reported that the County could provide roadside/curbside recycling collection services to single family residences in the in Union Township. The County provides roadside/curbside services to the Village of Shepherd, Lincoln Township, Deerfield Township, and the Village of Lake Isabella.

The rate for Union Township would be  $17 a year per household, for every other week collection. The County will have to purchase another truck and hire a second crew due to the fact the existing truck is maxed out providing the services outlined above.

We also discussed possible services that could be provided to multi-family complexes, such as apartment buildings of four or more units. One idea discussed was the use of EZ Recycler, a large metal box with chutes and barrels. The curbside crew could pull out the barrels and empty the contents in the recycling truck. A price for that service has not been discussed. An option for large apartment complexes is a roll off put in the parking lot. A price for that service has not been discussed.

I would like the committee to discuss these collection options and examine possible funding options at the next meeting, on Tuesday, June 9, 2009 @ 7am in the Union Township Hall.  We will have additional information to distribute at that time.

When you have a minute, click on this link: to read fact sheets "designed to give a brief but complete picture of the environmental impacts of a particular system, as well as sustainable solutions and alternatives."

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns about committee work.


Phil Mikus
Charter Township of Union Trustee

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Township, City, County, MDOT, CMU, MMCC Meet to Discuss Non-Motorized Plan

April 16, 2009
Mt Pleasant MDOT TSC

Union Township supervisor John Barker met with local leaders and staff planners to discuss the area's non motorized pathways,  links for walking and biking.  The meeting served to identify existing paths and conditions, areas of generation and destination, and specific arterial, feeder and local routes.  The planning session also considered connection of two regional trails, part of a state-wide network that would place Mt Pleasant as a destination from both the north and southwest.
This session follows a strategic planning meeting conducted just over a year ago.  A room of over 50 local and regional leaders and planners identified area needs and goals in February of 2008.  The most recent session put markers to maps and roughed in a 7 phase plan to tie CMU and MMCC campuses, Casino, Shopping areas, High Density residential complexes, existing park trails, and gateways to incoming regional trails.
County Commissioner Bill Daley pointed to recent trends in economic development that have identified bikeable and walkable communities as a key factor in attracting and retaining business in the new economy.    Woody Woodruff added that this is also a component in the Michigan Townships Association's Seven Pillars of Prosperity, a Plan For Economic Recovery.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

March 10, 09 Minutes

Charter Township of UnionSustainability Task Force Minutes
March 10, 2009, 7 am meeting called to order
Introduced new member Sharon Wade-Ellis. All present except Burdett and Henley
Old Business
· Appointed Phil Mikus as Chair, Woody Woodruff as Secretary
· Discussed purpose of task force as community focused, not internal focus
· Rick McGuirk announced Vision 20/20 was interested in helping with a community survey and Mary Senter of CARRS would be at next meeting, Betty Wagner would liaisons with her.

New Business
SWOT analysis
· Strengths; MRF, new Wind Energy Ordinance, ICTC, DDA, park facilities
· Weaknesses; No curb recycling, tennis courts not utilized at McDonald Park, recycling not convenient especially for elderly and poor, no sidewalk requirements, Biking not safe,
· Opportunities; Music programs in parks, join with city in park programs and connectivity, DDA plan amendments, Mixed Use and PUDs
· Threats; No sense of Place/Community, build outs not sustainable for non motorized users
Groups Formed
Environmental – Jo Theunissen, Mike Lyons, Sharon Wade-Ellis
Social - Casey Collings, Betty Wagner, Rick McGuirk
Economic – Phil Mikus, Sarvjit Chowdhary, David Burdett

Next Meeting – April 14, 09 7 am

Adjournment – 8 am

Friday, March 6, 2009

Rethinking Sustainability and Governance Post

I read again my earlier post entitled Sustainability and Governance. I believe all the issues raised therein are valid.  However, most of those issues are best addressed by Township staff and administration.  
This committee is about the task of suggesting policy that results in sustainability throughout the entire community, our community.   How we do business as a governmental unit maybe a bullet in a bigger list, but it is not the scope of this endeavor.

March 10 Meeting Agenda

  • Open meeting at 7am, 3/10/09 at Union Township Hall, 2010 S Lincoln Rd
  • Elect committee Chair and Secretary (5 min)
  • Discussion of SWOT analysis assignment (10 min)
  • Clarify expectations, Set Goals, (including type of output, time frame) (15 min)
  • Form Sub Committees; Social, Economic, Environmental, include team to address Grant opportunity in Alternative Energy (See ) (15 Min)
  • Breakout Sub Committees,  chat and set up mid month meeting (remaining time)
  • Adjourn breakout at 8pm

Friday, February 27, 2009

New Members

Supervisor Barker has added Gregory "Jake" Neher, Casey Collings, and Mike Piatek-Jimenez to our group. Jake is a CMU broadcast major, Casey is a Civil Engineer, and Mike is a software designer. Welcome and we look forward to your input. As a reminder to our new members, you are encouraged to post your comments and input to the group to the Blog. The Blog will beome our body of work and allow the public to see our progresss and comment.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Next Meeting Info & SWOT Analysis

A reminder; our next meeting is March 10, 7 AM at the Union Township Hall. I have just invited all our members to respond to Blog Authorship. This grants you the right to make a post, as opposed to a comment on an existing Post. As you engage the next meeting topic, a post to the Blog is a handy journal and will spark new ideas in our membership.

I would like all our members to take a look around the township and begin to think about our Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) in regards to Union Township Sustainability. Remember to keep in mind the three principal domains of sustainability; Social, Economic and Environmental.

I have added a Link section to the Blog. The first entry is for CMU Sustainability. Please email me with any links you feel should be there as well, and I will paste them in.

At our next meeting we need to elect some officers to facilitate our group, being Chairperson and Secretary. Would it be useful to have a formalise agenda?

Friday, February 6, 2009

Meeting Reminder

Just a brief reminder/confirmation that our organisational meeting will be this coming Tuesday, the 10th at 7 AM. We will meet at the township hall, 2010 S Lincoln Road. Guests and the public are welcome. Supervisor Baker will be bringing the donuts and I will have hot coffee, tea, and juice ready as well.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Sustainability and Governance

What is Sustainability? Some food for thought and discussion.

"Since the 1980s, the idea of human sustainability has become increasingly associated with the integration of economic, social and environmental spheres. In 1989, the United Nations Brundtland Commission articulated what has now become a widely accepted definition of sustainability: "[to meet] the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs." Wikipedia

In our context then, we need to examine the processes of Union Township and make recommendations or offer insight as to how the township can go about all of it's business in a way that supports the tenants of Sustainability.

What are some of our processes?
  • Tax collection
  • Water and Sewer
  • Construction review and monitoring
  • Planning
  • Municipal Approvals
  • Township Administration
  • Facilities Management
  • Economic Development, DDAs
  • Quality of Life

What are some Tenants of Sustainability?

  • Economic Sustainability - Can we continue to provide our services at a specified cost (internal economics), how can we promote a vibrant economy in our community (external economics)?
  • Social Sustainability - Do our processes promote a bright future, do we include all people in our processes, do we offer equitable access to our services, and approvals. Is the township socially responsible in it's internal workings?
  • Environmental Sustainability - Are we being Eco-friendly in our approvals and ordinances, and management of our facilities ?

Organisational Meeting Planned for 2/10 7AM

Please confirm for the morning of Tuesday Feb 10 for our kickoff meeting. The location for the first meeting will be at the Union Township Hall, but at the suggestion of the membership, we could shift to a local restaurant or other accomodations as well. Prior to the meeting you can expect to receive some background information on what sustainability is. At the meeting I would like to build consensus for our purpose, set some goals for the group, and how we might accomplish them.

Monday, January 19, 2009

The Planning and Zoning News has posted a wonderful spreadsheet with links to organisations or articles on Sustainability. There are a number of movements within this topic, such as Smart Growth, Growing Green, etc. Link to from the PZN article at You may want to bookmark their home page as well.

Friday, January 16, 2009

I hope to have our Union Township Sustainability Committee work in a "wikki" fashion. Each member adds to the effort and we can achieve maximum results from our individual efforts so that the Whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. AND we will accommodate any member of the committee that is unable to utilise the Internet.

This Blog will be public. Only the committee members will be in the Authors list to make posts. It will not be anonymous, the public will be authorised to comment on the authors posts, but must be registered. All material will be moderated so that there is no snipping, flaming etc. Things can be controversial, they must also be courteously presented.
