Friday, January 16, 2009

I hope to have our Union Township Sustainability Committee work in a "wikki" fashion. Each member adds to the effort and we can achieve maximum results from our individual efforts so that the Whole is greater than the sum of it's parts. AND we will accommodate any member of the committee that is unable to utilise the Internet.

This Blog will be public. Only the committee members will be in the Authors list to make posts. It will not be anonymous, the public will be authorised to comment on the authors posts, but must be registered. All material will be moderated so that there is no snipping, flaming etc. Things can be controversial, they must also be courteously presented.


1 comment:

  1. I'm really excited about the opportunity to be involved in this initiative. It's my belief that by working together we can develop some viable solutions for making Union Township a more sustainable community without excessive burden on the township or its residents.

    I'm also relieved to hear public comments will require signature...we are likely to meet opposition to any proposed changes (as we all know, change is uncomfortable and frightening to many) and in order to adequately address the credible concerns it's important that we're able to weed out the insincere "nay-sayers".
