Friday, July 24, 2009

Notes from Michigan Energy Office Seminar

Michigan Green Challenge with Michigan EECDBG grants. Visit MML site and Mich Energy Dept site by Thurs 7/29 for PP. Center for 21st century communities at MML site. MML has 8 assets, see green communities bullet. EECBG page here helps grant application, see webinars there too.

Green Communities challenge - overreaching / leveraging program, 6 step plan 1. Resolution of support, 2 Assign responsibilities, 3 collect data, 4 assess situation and ID gaps, 5 develop goals and activities, planning for future, attachment C, 6 Measures of performances. #1 is only requirement to be enrolled into MML and this will give more weight to state funds.

We need to perform well as a state to get more funding and take from those states that don’t measure up. See MML for sample resolution and submit Intention and Progress form back to MML

For responsible person see ICLEI link and join it. Local Energ Office information, a PP on responsibilities

Rebuild Michigan through DLEG to do energy audit.

Emily Simons, PSC. LIEE RENEWABLE SCHOOLS AND governments. list serv for granting sources. see for revolving fund loans. File for EO loans (Energy Optimization). Michigan Recovery and Reinvestment Plan
Jan Patrick Supervisor for Conservation Section, DLEG

Tim Schireman Grant prop development
Multipurpose (non entitlement apps only.) & LED grants
submit for either or both, as single or collaborative
Multiple Purpose
Develop or contract for strategy, res commercial energy audits, financial incentive programs
bldg retro fits, EE and conservation programs, EE transportation (inc bike paths, alt vehicles, training bldg officials, EE distribution technologies district heating and cooling, recycling, gas recapture, EE traffic sig and lighting, renewable energy technologies for govt bldgs,
Funding levels on population 9,500 = $70,000 for single, 14,000 $85,000 prorated, Counties 45-70,000 = $175K-$275k,subtract any entitled entities (maybe tribal) populations; multi-jurisdictional adds pops, while joint apps may not get more money, but will score higher in selections. Can partner with entitlement tribes, but not share funding. up to 10% for admin, 20% FOR REVOLVING FUND USE,

LED grants
Street lighting traffic signals, parking structures, indoor lighting, required component public information/education/demonstration. funding levels, 50-250k 90% of equipment 10% match plus all labor training and education costs (buy American rules) selection criteria demonstrate savings and cost effectiveness, job creation and retention, reduction of greenhouse gases, how strong is project, management (who) and implementation. shovel ready, leveraging other funding compiling data (energy audit and other formulas) MEDC has formula for employment, ICLEI program addresses GHGases, reporting to fed and state - FED qtrly jobs created retained, energy savings vs cost reduction (ROI) GHG reduction, funds leveraged. State reporting requires qtrly progress reports, work to be done next qtr real or anticipated problems, significant changes to project, (call grant manager immediately if anything goes south, re budget before problems), document grant expenses and leverage contributions all funds are reimbursable, final report summary of goals and objectives and conformance, summary of activities, benefits and impacts, state grants hold back 15% till final report approval.
submitting RFP in state defined format COMPLETE ORIGINAL signature propose and 3 copies mail or hand deliver RFP by Due Date and time, emailed PDFs not accepted
RFP release waiting on FED approval of state plans, and we are early hopefuls, late Aug, Multipurpose and LED grants will be released on same RFP, but submissions separately, RFP on energy office website. can only apply once either collaborate or single. Online FAQ for 2 weeks after release of RFP, 30 days after RFP, be prepared! 30 day review period after due date. announce 30-45 days after review period (around end of October)

NEPA and SHPO early
Tim Shireman 517 241 6281

Idea-LED lit bike paths, go to school to partner to get them funds not available otherwise, include purpose for collaboration in grant. document leverage dollars and use that word in the app

DOE web has 13 eligible activities see Solutions center

Webinar next tues.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

July 14, 2009

Meeting was called to order at 7:04 am. Present at the July meeting were Burdett, Chowdhary, Lyon, Mikus, Piatek-Jimenez, and Woodruff.

Mikus gave a status on the MRFs (Isabella Co. Materials Recycling Facility) recycling proposal to the township.
  • The Public Works committee has received the proposal from the MRF and is sending the residential component to the board for review. They have determined that we need a resolution from the county and the township to initiate curb-side recycling based on a per household charge.
  • The twp would bill an annual charge of $17 to residential households to be included on the tax bill for bi-weekly pickup.
  • Equipment cost is covered by the township and is a good 2% request item. Collaborative requests are more likely to be funded and the township can show a partnering with the county and a resolution of support from Vision 20/20 is a possibility, Burdett will check with Al Kaufmann, V20/20's governmental liaison. Mikus stated the MRF would consider a leasing of equipment to the township on a short term basis to hold us over until a truck is purchased.
  • Burdett announced that CMU has received recognition as "Recycler of the Year."
  • Mikus asserted that most constituents will save money on their trash bills by the reduction of recyclables in the refuse stream, especially for those who pay on a per bag basis.
  • Wagner stated that some of her neighbors have indicated they already recycle and felt they would be double charged. Mikus pointed out that some city's allow a reduction of the annual fee with a voucher system, and that the MRF would likely be open to that.
  • Composting was discussed, with the possibility of a joint effort that could also generate income through sales of finished compost. Composting would not be a part of the recycling pick-up program.
  • Encourage citizen participation and use of recycling by recognizing "neighborhood champions", student volunteering, competitions, and awards.

Woodruff gave an update on the bikeable walkable projects.

  • Planning commission is drafting sidewalk ordinance.
  • Township staff is working with MDOT for local and regional non-motorised projects and grant funding.

Other issues discussed

  • Dead animal pick up
  • Septic Field alternatives using vegetative filtering in heavy clay areas
  • Headwaters and Chippewa River protection from Ag and commercial runoff