Monday, February 10, 2014

Sustainability Committee Meeting Report for January 14, 2014

Meeting began at 4:05 pm at the Union Township Hall.

Present: Phil Mikus, Laura Coffee, Rob Bidner, Peter Gallinat, Woody Woodruff, Russ Alwood, Margie Henry.

The report of the November meeting was reviewed.

Coffee reported that the estimated cost of mailing notices for the Clean Up event will be approximately $2500; which would include two 2-sided mailings; the first being a post card, the second a more detailed description of the event/rules/etc.  Alwood recommended we get the notice two months in advance to MACTV; Bidner reported he could get friends to post and distribute the notice in area apartments. We may be able to piggyback the event notice on other Township mailings.

The initial budget request of $10,000 may need to be increased for the additional publicity/promotion expenses needed to properly get the word out.

Bidner reported he will contact Central Michigan office of volunteers to have a notice of opportunity posted.

Gallinat reported he will be attending a grant writing workshop in January.

Mikus reported he will prepare an draft outline of the event and submit it to Manager Smith.

Lawrence reported in an email message that we have received formal okay to use CMU parking lot 63 for the township clean up day.

Meeting adjourned at 5:00 pm.

Submitted by Phil Mikus

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