Tuesday, August 13, 2013

August 13, 2013 Report

Sustainability Committee Meeting Report 8-13-13


Committee Members Present: Mike Lyon, Rob Bidner, Phil Mikus. Absent: Laura Coffee, Steve

Lawrence, Tom Rohrer.

Also: Woody Woodruff, Russ Alwood, Margie Henry

1. Community Clean Up Day

a. Tentative date selected: June 21, 2013

b. Tentative site: CMU lot 63/64

c. Tentative Materials to collect: Tires, Rubbish/Trash, Metals

d. Tentative hours: 8am to 1pm

e. Committees to be formed and defined

e.i. Layout

e.ii. Insurance

e.iii. Safety

e.iv. Promotion/Advertising/Resource Info

e.v. Bidding

e.vi. Volunteers

e.vii. Refreshments

Committees will be defined and assigned; time line will be finalized at the September 17th


Tentative Time Line: (some tasks are Manager/Staff function, others committee volunteers)

Sept 17 – define and assign committees, finalize timeline

Oct - Finalize agreement with University, establish budget including printing/mailing

Nov -

Dec -

Jan – complete tire grant application

Feb – submit tire grant application

Mar – Issue RFP s; design promotion materials

Apr – review bids and select vendors

May – volunteer meeting

June – bake the cookies and hold the event

2. SkyStream Wind Generator – it was learned this week that XZERES Company has purchased the

Sky Stream Line. A phone call and email was made to Therese Unholtz, Customer Service

Manager for XZERES, 9025 SW Hillman Ct #3126 Wilsonville, OR 97070

(877) 404-9438. Committee recommends the Township move to wait to hear back from XZERES

before a decision is made on the next step regarding repair/sale/other.

Meeting adjourned at 5:05pm

Submitted by Phil Mikus, committee chair.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

February 12, 2013 Union Township Sustainability Committee Meeting

Union Township Sustainability Committee Meeting

Meeting called to order at 4:05pm 2/12/13

1. Sam Fiani recommended this committee invite a member of the CMU Student Government Association (SGA) Sustainability Committee to join the Union Township Sustainability Committee as a means to developing more recycling partnerships between the township and the University. Recommendation approved by voice vote of committee members present.

2. Sam reported on the January 17, 2013 Isabella County MRF Board meeting she attended.

     a. 556 petition signatures asking for more apartment recycling options were presented to the board

     b. MRF board asked for creative ideas on how to provide the service

3. This committee asked Woody to ask Rick McGuirk for creative recycling idea input when he meets Rick at the next Planning Commission meeting.

4. MRF board meeting schedule changed to quarterly; next meeting in April

5. Burning Ban Law

       a. The new Michigan outdoor burning law went into effect in Oct 2012.

       b. Does not restrict BBQ or cooking food outside

      c. Does ban burning trash, specifically plastic, rubber, foam, treated wood, electronics, chemicals and hazardous materials.

4. Committee recommended the Township post in the lobby informational brochures on the new law; Mike L. will research availability of brochures from the State of Michigan.

5. Community Garden

     a. Phil M. reported the harvest last season was successful; and that the deer repellant sprays worked once it was applied.

     b. Brian S. said staff will prepare a spray schedule and follow up after rain fall to re-apply.

     c. Laura C. stated that human hair cuttings also make good deer repellant.

     d. An invitation to participate in this coming season’s garden will be created and distributed, and posted on our website.

6. Other

Laura reported the Food Co-op will be hosting a plant & herb swap this June.

Meeting adjourned at 5pm

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1/8/2013 MINUTES

Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm by Phil Mikus on 1/8/2013 at the Union Township Hall

  1. Apartment Recycling
    1. CMU Sustainability is circulating petitions to MRF to provide apartment recycling service
    2. Encourage supporters to attend next MRF meeting
  2. New Burning Laws
    1. Bans burning volatile household items such as plastics, paint, treated lumber, etc
    2. Enforcement at state level is low to non existent
    3. Penalty- warning, $75 ticket, then $150 each violation
    4. State DEQ has local model ordinance, Woodruff will download, evaluate and report back
    5. Current enforcement for nuisance burning complaints utilizes MPFD
  3. Other DEQ info
    1. Environmental Mapper http://www.mcgi.state.mi.us/environmentalmapper/
    2. We may want to rescind our grass and leaf ordinance to comply with county landfill agreement
  4. On 12/17/12 The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe scheduled a half-day working session with local partners to discuss the Tribe's 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program Plan and get your input on appropriate Best Management Practices for the Chippewa River and tributaries.  Woodruff attended and will participate in future meetings.
  5. Meeting adjourned at 4:43