Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1/8/2013 MINUTES

Meeting called to order at 4:00 pm by Phil Mikus on 1/8/2013 at the Union Township Hall

  1. Apartment Recycling
    1. CMU Sustainability is circulating petitions to MRF to provide apartment recycling service
    2. Encourage supporters to attend next MRF meeting
  2. New Burning Laws
    1. Bans burning volatile household items such as plastics, paint, treated lumber, etc
    2. Enforcement at state level is low to non existent
    3. Penalty- warning, $75 ticket, then $150 each violation
    4. State DEQ has local model ordinance, Woodruff will download, evaluate and report back
    5. Current enforcement for nuisance burning complaints utilizes MPFD
  3. Other DEQ info
    1. Environmental Mapper
    2. We may want to rescind our grass and leaf ordinance to comply with county landfill agreement
  4. On 12/17/12 The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe scheduled a half-day working session with local partners to discuss the Tribe's 319 Nonpoint Source Management Program Plan and get your input on appropriate Best Management Practices for the Chippewa River and tributaries.  Woodruff attended and will participate in future meetings.
  5. Meeting adjourned at 4:43