Wednesday, March 9, 2011


APRIL 8, 2011 7am
Members present: Mike Lyons, Savich Chowdhary, Phil Mikus, Also present: Brian Smith, Woody Woodruff, Brent Ebright, John Barker
• Received a report of the Multi Family Pilot Project progress, from Brent Ebright, Isabella County MRF Manager.
o An apartment complex on Deerfield Road may be the pilot location, with a projected start date of no later than September 1, 2011, Funds for the roll off containers from 2% money.
o Roll offs may also be used for ball field special events, such as tournaments
• Reviewed the status of the Brine Agreement with Isabella County Road Commission.
o Mikus reported Mi Chloride Sales does not use oil well brine for Isabella County, according to its owner. MCS uses brine from a mile deep well in east Gratiot County.
o Lyons asked why ICRC has a permit to apply oil well brine.
• Reviewed the Committee goals developed at the February meeting (posted below). Discussion on certain items followed:
o Re: item iii – refer to Parks and Recreation Committee
o Re: item v – the upcoming multi-family pilot will be a good subject for an Intern project.
o RE: item vi – recommendation is to refer that to a contractor when funding is available and approved by Board of Trustees
o Item added: implement at least one community garden this coming season
• Discussed the pros and cons of converting diesel fuel fleet vehicles to Compressed Natural Gas (CNG). Barker stated that this kind of thing could be a joint project with maybe the city, county, tribe and university.
• Adjourn @ 8:10pm
Committee Goals for 2011, as presented by committee members at Feb 8, 2011 meeting:
• Establish a speaker series or promote Great Lakes Sustainability Institute program
• Install a proper sign in front of the three wind generators at the township hall
• Create a recycling collection program for township sports fields
• Provide a “Sustainability Information Kiosk” in the lobby of the township hall
• Prepare a report on the impact the curbside recycling program is having on waste diversion
• Create and implement a written “sustainability plan” for all township facilities, include energy use, recycling collection for example.
• Discuss with County Recycling Manager the possible ways to add businesses and commercial sites on the recycling collection routes
“The mission of the Union Township Sustainability Committee shall be to provide recommendations and advice to the Union Township Board of Trustees on activities that will assure the environmental, fiscal and social sustainability of the Township.”
Charter Township of Union Sustainability Committee

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb 8, 2011 Meeting Notes

Charter Township of Union Sustainability Committee
Meeting Summary
February 8, 2010 7am.
Present: David Burdett, Sarvjit Chowdhary, Tom Rohrer, Mike Lyon, Phil Mikus, Brian Smith, Wm. “Woody” Woodruff

1. Multi Family Recycling options. Tabled to March meeting when County Recycling Manager can be present.

2. Planned renovations to the Jameson Hall kitchen. John Barker last month distributed a report via email.

3. Introduction of and discussion on a Community Food Plot location for Union Township. Discussion at today’s meeting centered on the following criteria:
a) prefer a donated site at least five acres in size
b) revenue to cover costs to operate should come from user fees . User fees give a sense of ownership that would lead to “stick to it-ness”, i.e., proper weed control and clean up
c) a source of water would be ideal
d) other policies such as land prep, plot size, maintenance, application form with a liability waiver statement & other liability issues will be established by township staff
e) collaboration with Mt Pleasant Food Project and CMU Community Garden was recommended as a way to establish a “Best Model”
f) CMU has a composting project utilizing food prep scrap, composting “tons a month”, Tom Rohrer reported.

4. Introduction of and discussion on a workshop about Sustainable Food Choices – Brian stated John Barker may have such plans in mind.

5. Energy Project Report – the impact of weather on the energy generation is being studied by township staff. Individual generator data logging is not working as well as vendor thought it would. Woody is working on solutions such as an 18 channel meter to read total current flow.

6. Web Site Intern Update – Brian is working with PR Central, a volunteer group from CMU, for possible creative content. David referred Brian to University Communication, as that group is working on similar issues. Sarvjit gave Brian the name of a professor friend in the MIS department at CMU as another resource.

7. Other Business
a. Brine use on township roads – Phil asked what the Brine Management Plan is for the Road Commission. Committee consensus was to recommend the Township review the Road Commissions Brine Management Plan before signing a proposed Brine Contract.
b. Woody reported on the latest issues about energy use and indoor plant growing regarding the Medical Marijuana law.
c. Committee Goals for 2011:
i. Establish a speaker series or promote Great Lakes Sustainability Institute program
ii. Install a proper sign in front of the three wind generators at the township hall
iii. Create a recycling collection program for township sports fields
iv. Provide a “Sustainablity Information Kiosk” in the lobby of the township hall
v. Prepare a report on the impact the curbside recycling program is having on waste diversion
vi. Create and implement a written “sustainability plan” for all township facilities, include energy use, recycling collection for example.
vii. Discuss with County Recycling Manager the possible ways to add businesses and commercial sites on the recycling collection routes

Meeting adjourned in a timely fashion, approximately 8am.

Submitted by Phil Mikus.