Thursday, October 14, 2010

October 2010 Charter Township of Union Sustainability Committee Meeting Report

Tuesday Oct 12, 2010, 7 am at the Township Hall

Present: Phil Mikus, Casey Collings, David Moscadelli, Sarvjit Chowdhary, Tom Rohrer
Also present: Brian Smith, Woody Woodruff

1. Energy Grant update- Woodruff reported the two Sky Stream wind turbines have generated 6.8 KW to date; and the WindSpire is back ordered due to an inverter redesign by the manufacturer. Rohrer reported CMLife had an article about the project; that he has video with sound recording available to use as comparison to local road noise if needed.
a. Brittany the CMU intern will be assigned to assist in development of the project educational sign planned for the wind turbine site on Lincoln Road.
2. Energy Audit – Smith reported that Township Staff have evaluated the report and will be first proceeding with the “low hanging fruit” of improved insulation and lighting, thathas the greatest economical payback of all options presented.
3. Non Motorized Vehicle Study – Woodruff reported the RFP has been released for the grant funded $50,000 study. The grant from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe has a county-wide focus; Union Township is the fiduciary agent for the Pathways study group.
a. Preliminary concepts talked about amongst the local representatives of the Pathways group includes a slow grade 127 overpass for Remus Road, with motorized, non-motorized & ADA qualities, would link Tribal Territory, MMCC, Union Township and Mt Pleasant with parks and other pathways, when funding is available.
b. Smith reported Township land at Deerfield Road and Mission Road as possible future location of a non-motorized (bicycle) staging area and rest stop when regional pathways connect Fred Meijer tract in Gratiot County to Pere Marquette tracts in Clare County through Isabella County.
4. The Great Lakes Institute for Sustainable Systems at Central Michigan University - Rohrer distributed brochures about the new Institute of which he is the director. The link is to the web site is:
The Institute promotes academic programs, research, community outreach, and campus operations that are dedicated to the advancement of sustainable systems. Partners to assist in the development of the Institute are being sought.

The meeting adjourned at a reasonable time.