Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Climate Change Checklist
On December 14th, we will be considering the Climate Change Check List as guide for actions the township could take to reduce Climate Change. Many of the initiatives listed have already begun as a result of our Energy Efficiency Grant. The check list is from the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality, See
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
November 2010 Charter Township of Union Sustainability Committee Meeting Report
Committee Members Present: Mike Lyon, Tom Rohrer, David Burdett, Sarvjit Chowdhary , Phil Mikus
Also present: Brian Smith, Township Manager; Woody Woodruff, Township Zoning Official
Meeting called to order at 7:05am by Committee Chair Phil Mikus
Mr. Woodruff described the draft Township Master Plan section by section.
Mr. Rohrer recommended the Board promote the slowing of the conversion of farm land to residential use and promote infill methods to preserve existing farm land. He also stated that Bluegrass Road is an excellent target for infill planning which would create “a nice community”.
Mr. Burdett recommended the Board continue the productive collaboration discussions it has had with local units of government and local institutions.
Mr. Lyon recommended the Board promote incentives for home owners to get tax credits for geothermal heating as an alternative to the use of fossil fuels or other alternate energy sources.
Mr. Chowdhary recommended the Board consider the “immediate need” to install sidewalks along Bluegrass, Isabella and Deerfield Roads.
The Charter Township of Union Sustainability Committee conditionally recommends the Board adopt the 2010 Master Plan as presented and that the Board consider the recommendations as set forth above.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15am
Respectfully submitted,
Phil Mikus
Sustainability Committee Chair
“The mission of the Union Township Sustainability Committee shall be to provide recommendations and advice to the Union Township Board of Trustees on activities that will assure the environmental, fiscal and social sustainability of the Township.”
Committee Members Present: Mike Lyon, Tom Rohrer, David Burdett, Sarvjit Chowdhary , Phil Mikus
Also present: Brian Smith, Township Manager; Woody Woodruff, Township Zoning Official
Meeting called to order at 7:05am by Committee Chair Phil Mikus
Mr. Woodruff described the draft Township Master Plan section by section.
Mr. Rohrer recommended the Board promote the slowing of the conversion of farm land to residential use and promote infill methods to preserve existing farm land. He also stated that Bluegrass Road is an excellent target for infill planning which would create “a nice community”.
Mr. Burdett recommended the Board continue the productive collaboration discussions it has had with local units of government and local institutions.
Mr. Lyon recommended the Board promote incentives for home owners to get tax credits for geothermal heating as an alternative to the use of fossil fuels or other alternate energy sources.
Mr. Chowdhary recommended the Board consider the “immediate need” to install sidewalks along Bluegrass, Isabella and Deerfield Roads.
The Charter Township of Union Sustainability Committee conditionally recommends the Board adopt the 2010 Master Plan as presented and that the Board consider the recommendations as set forth above.
Meeting adjourned at 8:15am
Respectfully submitted,
Phil Mikus
Sustainability Committee Chair
“The mission of the Union Township Sustainability Committee shall be to provide recommendations and advice to the Union Township Board of Trustees on activities that will assure the environmental, fiscal and social sustainability of the Township.”
Thursday, October 14, 2010
October 2010 Charter Township of Union Sustainability Committee Meeting Report
Tuesday Oct 12, 2010, 7 am at the Township Hall
Present: Phil Mikus, Casey Collings, David Moscadelli, Sarvjit Chowdhary, Tom Rohrer
Also present: Brian Smith, Woody Woodruff
1. Energy Grant update- Woodruff reported the two Sky Stream wind turbines have generated 6.8 KW to date; and the WindSpire is back ordered due to an inverter redesign by the manufacturer. Rohrer reported CMLife had an article about the project; that he has video with sound recording available to use as comparison to local road noise if needed.
a. Brittany the CMU intern will be assigned to assist in development of the project educational sign planned for the wind turbine site on Lincoln Road.
2. Energy Audit – Smith reported that Township Staff have evaluated the report and will be first proceeding with the “low hanging fruit” of improved insulation and lighting, thathas the greatest economical payback of all options presented.
3. Non Motorized Vehicle Study – Woodruff reported the RFP has been released for the grant funded $50,000 study. The grant from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe has a county-wide focus; Union Township is the fiduciary agent for the Pathways study group.
a. Preliminary concepts talked about amongst the local representatives of the Pathways group includes a slow grade 127 overpass for Remus Road, with motorized, non-motorized & ADA qualities, would link Tribal Territory, MMCC, Union Township and Mt Pleasant with parks and other pathways, when funding is available.
b. Smith reported Township land at Deerfield Road and Mission Road as possible future location of a non-motorized (bicycle) staging area and rest stop when regional pathways connect Fred Meijer tract in Gratiot County to Pere Marquette tracts in Clare County through Isabella County.
4. The Great Lakes Institute for Sustainable Systems at Central Michigan University - Rohrer distributed brochures about the new Institute of which he is the director. The link is to the web site is:
The Institute promotes academic programs, research, community outreach, and campus operations that are dedicated to the advancement of sustainable systems. Partners to assist in the development of the Institute are being sought.
The meeting adjourned at a reasonable time.
Present: Phil Mikus, Casey Collings, David Moscadelli, Sarvjit Chowdhary, Tom Rohrer
Also present: Brian Smith, Woody Woodruff
1. Energy Grant update- Woodruff reported the two Sky Stream wind turbines have generated 6.8 KW to date; and the WindSpire is back ordered due to an inverter redesign by the manufacturer. Rohrer reported CMLife had an article about the project; that he has video with sound recording available to use as comparison to local road noise if needed.
a. Brittany the CMU intern will be assigned to assist in development of the project educational sign planned for the wind turbine site on Lincoln Road.
2. Energy Audit – Smith reported that Township Staff have evaluated the report and will be first proceeding with the “low hanging fruit” of improved insulation and lighting, thathas the greatest economical payback of all options presented.
3. Non Motorized Vehicle Study – Woodruff reported the RFP has been released for the grant funded $50,000 study. The grant from the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe has a county-wide focus; Union Township is the fiduciary agent for the Pathways study group.
a. Preliminary concepts talked about amongst the local representatives of the Pathways group includes a slow grade 127 overpass for Remus Road, with motorized, non-motorized & ADA qualities, would link Tribal Territory, MMCC, Union Township and Mt Pleasant with parks and other pathways, when funding is available.
b. Smith reported Township land at Deerfield Road and Mission Road as possible future location of a non-motorized (bicycle) staging area and rest stop when regional pathways connect Fred Meijer tract in Gratiot County to Pere Marquette tracts in Clare County through Isabella County.
4. The Great Lakes Institute for Sustainable Systems at Central Michigan University - Rohrer distributed brochures about the new Institute of which he is the director. The link is to the web site is:
The Institute promotes academic programs, research, community outreach, and campus operations that are dedicated to the advancement of sustainable systems. Partners to assist in the development of the Institute are being sought.
The meeting adjourned at a reasonable time.
Monday, September 20, 2010
TUESDAY, SEPT 14, 2010 7AM
Present: David Burdett, Sarvjit Chowdhary, Mike Lyon, Phil Mikus.
Also present: Brian Smith, Wood Woodruff
Review update of Wind Turbine project
Progress of installation - Woodruff reported: Block Electric has foundation curing kit ready to place; the Windwire foundation is curing ok; the Net Metering application with Consumers Energy has been approved; Anemometers to collect wind speed and other meteorological data will be wireless (this devise will be ideal for collection of solar potential of the site.)
Progress of educational pieces- Woodruff reported it is in the works
Update on how to push the student demand for multi-family recycling- Burdett reported he plans to meet with Deerfield road apartment owners to discuss that potential.
Review previously suggested topics and ideas to prioritize for future activity – Chairman Mikus tabled to next meeting to allow him time to prepare review document.
Discuss general sustainability education links for Union Township Web page – Mikus reported he has contacts at CMU for possible interns to prepare web alternatives. Smith welcomed the idea. Mikus will follow through with goal.
Township board Policy Governance management strategy – Mikus and Smith provided a brief overview of Policy Governance and the Boards progress in implementing the strategy.
Other -
1. Smith and Burdett stated the planned repair of Deerfield Road is an opportunity for Union Township and CMU to work together to provide pedestrian and bicycle paths. Burdett pledged CMU's participation in future discussions of the topic. Those paths could link to the larger regional pathways program.
2. Woodruff stated the Township Mowing and Noxious Weed ordinance has features that are counter to Sustainability Standards and will ask this committee for recommendations in the future. (An example of a “sustainable compromise” is to allow mowing only the border of large lawns/fields.)
3. Smith reported he and Woodruff will attend and speak at a Biomass meeting to be held at the Clyde Taylor farm in an adjoining township.
4. Woodruff reported the Energy Audit is complete and posted on the township web site.
5. Woodruff handed out copies of the Grand Rapids Sustainability Plan. Committee members were asked to review and bring comments and questions regarding possible application in Union Township to next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8am.
Submitted by Phil Mikus.
TUESDAY, SEPT 14, 2010 7AM
Present: David Burdett, Sarvjit Chowdhary, Mike Lyon, Phil Mikus.
Also present: Brian Smith, Wood Woodruff
Review update of Wind Turbine project
Progress of installation - Woodruff reported: Block Electric has foundation curing kit ready to place; the Windwire foundation is curing ok; the Net Metering application with Consumers Energy has been approved; Anemometers to collect wind speed and other meteorological data will be wireless (this devise will be ideal for collection of solar potential of the site.)
Progress of educational pieces- Woodruff reported it is in the works
Update on how to push the student demand for multi-family recycling- Burdett reported he plans to meet with Deerfield road apartment owners to discuss that potential.
Review previously suggested topics and ideas to prioritize for future activity – Chairman Mikus tabled to next meeting to allow him time to prepare review document.
Discuss general sustainability education links for Union Township Web page – Mikus reported he has contacts at CMU for possible interns to prepare web alternatives. Smith welcomed the idea. Mikus will follow through with goal.
Township board Policy Governance management strategy – Mikus and Smith provided a brief overview of Policy Governance and the Boards progress in implementing the strategy.
Other -
1. Smith and Burdett stated the planned repair of Deerfield Road is an opportunity for Union Township and CMU to work together to provide pedestrian and bicycle paths. Burdett pledged CMU's participation in future discussions of the topic. Those paths could link to the larger regional pathways program.
2. Woodruff stated the Township Mowing and Noxious Weed ordinance has features that are counter to Sustainability Standards and will ask this committee for recommendations in the future. (An example of a “sustainable compromise” is to allow mowing only the border of large lawns/fields.)
3. Smith reported he and Woodruff will attend and speak at a Biomass meeting to be held at the Clyde Taylor farm in an adjoining township.
4. Woodruff reported the Energy Audit is complete and posted on the township web site.
5. Woodruff handed out copies of the Grand Rapids Sustainability Plan. Committee members were asked to review and bring comments and questions regarding possible application in Union Township to next meeting.
The meeting adjourned at approximately 8am.
Submitted by Phil Mikus.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
August 2010 Minutes
Agenda Items -Education portion of Grant, Apt Recycling
Chair Mikus opened meeting at 7:05 am
Present: Burdett, Rohrer, Lyons, Moscardelli, Mikus, Woodruff
• Locations- Twp Hall roof and water towers,
• using Windspire data from the water plant installation (non-grant) in our research would be good spot,
• Why Anemometers- verify mfg data, units will give wind data, but go off production to provide it, Accuracy is better as sand alone.
Other issues for Wind Project
• shadows and
• noise, use Db meter to plot noise vs. wind speed,
• soft and grand openings. Windspire product will not be online as fast as Skystream.
• Signage- look for samples, deadline for opening 6-8 weeks get interns or next gen of them sustainable signage. Check with Windwire for examples, can use CMU logo, check sign ordinance for some road readable signs. Info signs like State Parks use are about $200 each plus installation, develop green logo, understandable data, ROI (Return on Investment), Check with CMU (new Education bldg signs)
• support for student assistant over 15 week term, 4 hrs per week, new Stonehenge info.
• Earth Education park- Seasons and the Sun Path, Can be separate grant or tie into the educational component of the energy grant, however, much of the energy conservation measures maybe underfunded
Methods to encourage apt recycling-
• Codification,
• work with owners, recycling is market-able feature, money savings to owners
• review stakeholder opinions,
• student side demand
• partner with WalMart or other business.
Adjourned at the call of the chair at 8:00 am
Agenda Items -Education portion of Grant, Apt Recycling
Chair Mikus opened meeting at 7:05 am
Present: Burdett, Rohrer, Lyons, Moscardelli, Mikus, Woodruff
• Locations- Twp Hall roof and water towers,
• using Windspire data from the water plant installation (non-grant) in our research would be good spot,
• Why Anemometers- verify mfg data, units will give wind data, but go off production to provide it, Accuracy is better as sand alone.
Other issues for Wind Project
• shadows and
• noise, use Db meter to plot noise vs. wind speed,
• soft and grand openings. Windspire product will not be online as fast as Skystream.
• Signage- look for samples, deadline for opening 6-8 weeks get interns or next gen of them sustainable signage. Check with Windwire for examples, can use CMU logo, check sign ordinance for some road readable signs. Info signs like State Parks use are about $200 each plus installation, develop green logo, understandable data, ROI (Return on Investment), Check with CMU (new Education bldg signs)
• support for student assistant over 15 week term, 4 hrs per week, new Stonehenge info.
• Earth Education park- Seasons and the Sun Path, Can be separate grant or tie into the educational component of the energy grant, however, much of the energy conservation measures maybe underfunded
Methods to encourage apt recycling-
• Codification,
• work with owners, recycling is market-able feature, money savings to owners
• review stakeholder opinions,
• student side demand
• partner with WalMart or other business.
Adjourned at the call of the chair at 8:00 am
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
February 9, 2010 Sustainability Committee Meeting
Present; Phil Mikus (chair), Woody Woodruff (Secretary), David Burdett, Tom Rohrer, Sharon Wade-Ellis, Mike Lyon, Casey Collings.
Discussion on Area and Regional sustainability groups and the benefits of partnering. Middle MMDC (Middle Michigan Development Corporation) and Vision 20/20 are possible partners. Members agreed that a mission statement is essential to guide the committee and that a list of goals should support the Mission Statement. The following were submitted by email for a working document to be reviewed, edited and expanded over the next month.
Mission Statement submitted by Tom Rohrer:
“The mission of the Union Township Sustainability Committee shall be to provide recommendations and advice to the Union Township Board of Trustees on activities that will assure the environmental, fiscal and social sustainability of the Township.”
Goals Submitted by Phil Mikus:
The Citizens Sustainability Committee Goals
Provide recommendation and advice to the Charter Township of Union Board of Trustees on sustainability issues involving environmental, economic and social concerns leading to an improved quality of life for all citizens of the Charter Township of Union, Isabella County, Michigan.
Specific areas of attention the Sustainability Committee shall address include:
• Implementation of The Michigan Green Community Challenge in Union Township
• Development of a Regional Strategic Growth plan that matches Union Township assets and visions with assets and vision of the rest of the region.
• Examining current and future energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and building growth of the facilities of the township
• Implementation and reporting of the Energy Audit and Wind Study Grant from the Federal Government
• Development of a comprehensive plan to reduce energy use and utility costs in the future
• Development of an action plan, to include target dates, goals, actions and mechanisms for tracking progress of the Charter Township of Union
• Implementation of a street side recycling collection program for single family homes in Union Township
• Implementation of a recycling service plan for multi-family apartment buildings
• Incentives for commercial and industrial recycling in the township
• Investigate establishment of specific partnerships with Vision 20/20 or Council of Governments to create an Isabella County Sustainability Partnership Group
• Maintain involvement of the private sector in the Township Citizens Sustainability Committee
• Work toward the development of bike trails that link local commerce and parks to existing and future state wide trails
• Presentation of informational and educational meetings and workshops open to all citizens of the township.
• Seek grant and funding opportunities that promote sustainability.
Discussion on Area and Regional sustainability groups and the benefits of partnering. Middle MMDC (Middle Michigan Development Corporation) and Vision 20/20 are possible partners. Members agreed that a mission statement is essential to guide the committee and that a list of goals should support the Mission Statement. The following were submitted by email for a working document to be reviewed, edited and expanded over the next month.
Mission Statement submitted by Tom Rohrer:
“The mission of the Union Township Sustainability Committee shall be to provide recommendations and advice to the Union Township Board of Trustees on activities that will assure the environmental, fiscal and social sustainability of the Township.”
Goals Submitted by Phil Mikus:
The Citizens Sustainability Committee Goals
Provide recommendation and advice to the Charter Township of Union Board of Trustees on sustainability issues involving environmental, economic and social concerns leading to an improved quality of life for all citizens of the Charter Township of Union, Isabella County, Michigan.
Specific areas of attention the Sustainability Committee shall address include:
• Implementation of The Michigan Green Community Challenge in Union Township
• Development of a Regional Strategic Growth plan that matches Union Township assets and visions with assets and vision of the rest of the region.
• Examining current and future energy use, greenhouse gas emissions and building growth of the facilities of the township
• Implementation and reporting of the Energy Audit and Wind Study Grant from the Federal Government
• Development of a comprehensive plan to reduce energy use and utility costs in the future
• Development of an action plan, to include target dates, goals, actions and mechanisms for tracking progress of the Charter Township of Union
• Implementation of a street side recycling collection program for single family homes in Union Township
• Implementation of a recycling service plan for multi-family apartment buildings
• Incentives for commercial and industrial recycling in the township
• Investigate establishment of specific partnerships with Vision 20/20 or Council of Governments to create an Isabella County Sustainability Partnership Group
• Maintain involvement of the private sector in the Township Citizens Sustainability Committee
• Work toward the development of bike trails that link local commerce and parks to existing and future state wide trails
• Presentation of informational and educational meetings and workshops open to all citizens of the township.
• Seek grant and funding opportunities that promote sustainability.
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