Thursday, September 17, 2009
Peter Sinclair Event
The Peter Sinclair event on Global Warming Issues has been schedualed for some time now. It will be held on Thursday October 8, at 7 pm and will be held at the Union Township Hall. Rather than elborate here please visit the townships web site and see the Union Township News section
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
September 8, 2009 Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 8:04 am by chair Mikus. In attendance were P Mikus, D Burdett, B Wagner, C Colling, M Piatek-Jimenez, S Wade-Ellis, T Rorher, W Woodruff.
Agenda Items were Rain Barrels, Walkable-Bikable ordinance update, Curbside Recycling, US 127 Landscaping Project, Peter Sinclair Event
Peter Sinclair Event is confirmed for October 8, 7 pm at the township hall. Committee members Burdett and Wagner volunteered to steer the event along with Woodruff. Sinclair is an environmentalist presenting global warming issues. Woodruff stated that no township funds will be expended for this educational event and will seek public announcements in local paper. We have a a PR package from Mr Sinclair. Wagner will get an ad or piece in CM Life. Rorher will announce the event in his classes. The hall will seat 50-75 persons, a past event on campus drew about 50 students we hope to fill the house and not turn any away.
Curbside Recycling in the township is scheduled to begin on October 1. Containers will be distributed by the MRF with instructions. Bins are 100% recycled material and will be black. There has been a problem with implementation in trailer parks as they are not taxed in the same fashion as one and two family residences. The Public Works Committee is still looking at viable ways to bring service to these residents. One suggestion has been to set up a dumpster style bin that would be rotated between the parks.
Phil Mikus has been discussing rain barrels with the county and offering these at a discounted price from quantity purchasing. Rain barrels are making an impact on water usage and also saves electric usage for rural users by reducing pumping water. Rain water is also better for gardens. Acid Rain is not a problem in this locality. Barrels have a screen top and tap at the bottom to gravity feed a soaker hose or drip emitter.
Woodruff updated the committee on the US 127 Landscaping Plan. The last draft has been provided to the city and the township for final review. The plan calls for primarily native plants that will have low maintenance. The areas are from Summerton Road Overpass to Baseline Road Overpass. Also included are areas along Business 127 coming into the south end as well as the north entrance to the community. Vision 20/20 was instrumental in bringing Mt Pleasant, Union Township and CMU together to draft a plan that could be filled in over time. CMU athletics will provide "sweat equity" Vision 20/20 will seek monetary contributions for the plant material and associated soils and mulch. MDOT will also seek enhancement grants for the project. The results will greatly benefit the economic attraction to Mt Pleasant area. Plans are on the township web site under "Gallery."
Casey Collings of ROWE engineering has been working with the East DDA LED street lighting project. The DDA is replacing all the street lighting on East Pickard from the city limits to Summerton Road. The poles will be very similar to the city's with an ornate turn of the century look. The new lights will be energy efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The engineer expects about a $2,000 per month savings. The East DDA is to be commended for this cost saving and environmentally friendly investment.
Woody Woodruff, Secretary
Agenda Items were Rain Barrels, Walkable-Bikable ordinance update, Curbside Recycling, US 127 Landscaping Project, Peter Sinclair Event
Peter Sinclair Event is confirmed for October 8, 7 pm at the township hall. Committee members Burdett and Wagner volunteered to steer the event along with Woodruff. Sinclair is an environmentalist presenting global warming issues. Woodruff stated that no township funds will be expended for this educational event and will seek public announcements in local paper. We have a a PR package from Mr Sinclair. Wagner will get an ad or piece in CM Life. Rorher will announce the event in his classes. The hall will seat 50-75 persons, a past event on campus drew about 50 students we hope to fill the house and not turn any away.
Curbside Recycling in the township is scheduled to begin on October 1. Containers will be distributed by the MRF with instructions. Bins are 100% recycled material and will be black. There has been a problem with implementation in trailer parks as they are not taxed in the same fashion as one and two family residences. The Public Works Committee is still looking at viable ways to bring service to these residents. One suggestion has been to set up a dumpster style bin that would be rotated between the parks.
Phil Mikus has been discussing rain barrels with the county and offering these at a discounted price from quantity purchasing. Rain barrels are making an impact on water usage and also saves electric usage for rural users by reducing pumping water. Rain water is also better for gardens. Acid Rain is not a problem in this locality. Barrels have a screen top and tap at the bottom to gravity feed a soaker hose or drip emitter.
Woodruff updated the committee on the US 127 Landscaping Plan. The last draft has been provided to the city and the township for final review. The plan calls for primarily native plants that will have low maintenance. The areas are from Summerton Road Overpass to Baseline Road Overpass. Also included are areas along Business 127 coming into the south end as well as the north entrance to the community. Vision 20/20 was instrumental in bringing Mt Pleasant, Union Township and CMU together to draft a plan that could be filled in over time. CMU athletics will provide "sweat equity" Vision 20/20 will seek monetary contributions for the plant material and associated soils and mulch. MDOT will also seek enhancement grants for the project. The results will greatly benefit the economic attraction to Mt Pleasant area. Plans are on the township web site under "Gallery."
Casey Collings of ROWE engineering has been working with the East DDA LED street lighting project. The DDA is replacing all the street lighting on East Pickard from the city limits to Summerton Road. The poles will be very similar to the city's with an ornate turn of the century look. The new lights will be energy efficient Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs). The engineer expects about a $2,000 per month savings. The East DDA is to be commended for this cost saving and environmentally friendly investment.
Woody Woodruff, Secretary
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